I loved the facial expressions of the monkeys. A few weeks ago I went over to take my niece to school for family day a knew that towel rack needed to be transformed into a BOW HOLDER! My nieces have tons of adorable bows but they are in a large basket and it's very hard to find which one you are looking for without dumping the entire basket on the floor.
This is a great solution and it's very cute too. The best part...it was so simple to make!
Here are the Supplies I used.
1 - 1 Robe/Towel Rack
2 - 1 spool of ribbon, I used 1 1/2" thick ribbon
3 - Glue Gun
4 - Staple Gun (For Extra Support)
Step 1: Glue a strip of ribbon in the center of each monkey head, I was able to use the screw as a guide. I added a single staple to each of the ribbons for extra support, but make sure not skip the glue part or the ribbon will rip.
Step 2: I added a bow to each monkey...Afterall it is a bow holder and I thought it made the monkeys a little fancy.
Step 3: Add Some Bows & Hang!
Here's a few of the bows I made to add to her collection:

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