This Year my amazing husband out did himself and helped my almost two year old create these amazing gifts. I know how hard it is to get Andrew to sit still for anything let alone these great gifts. While I was working overtime, my husband called in the help of my in-laws and raided my craft supplies! I couldn't be a happier mommy!
Brian bought poster board and spelled out 'LOVE'. He then tried to wrangle the little one to sit with each letter. The pouty face in the letter priceless. If you are trying to avoid tears and you have more than an afternoon to complete a project, it might be good idea to give your little one a break. This would be a great idea to spell out a loved one's name, hold multiple signs that spell out a nice sentiment (Happy Father's Day!) ...the possibilities are endless.
The MOST BEAUTIFUL flowers I have ever seen! The best part is that these flowers will last longer than a week!
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