Oh I how I love pennant banners... I found that they were so simple to make and I could make them without breaking out the sewing machine or the bank so I was in! I started by wanting to make some homemade banner's for Drew's birthday that wouldn't require sewing skills that I don't have and could be reused.
When I visited the fabric store, they were having a half-off sale so the fabric was very inexpensive. I also found that the remnant pieces they sale will be perfect for this project and are usually sold at a discount.
Already I've made a pennant banner for the 4th of July, one for my son's birthday party and now with my niece's birthday next week I created a Littlest Pet Shop banner.
Total Time Per Banner... Approximately two Spongebob episodes or 30 minutes, but you can definitely split the project up into multiple projects. To start: Get approximately 1 yard of total fabric.
(I got approximately 1/4 yard of each color)
Step 1: Create a cardboard template. You can also purchase a template at the craftstore, but the one I saw was over $20...so I made my own.
Step 2: Using the template, trace out the pennants onto the backside of fabric. If the fabric is not double-sided, you will need to create a mirror sided fabric. With both sides, back-side up, spray with fabric adhesive. and stick together.

Step 3: Using a hot glue gun, attach the ribbon to the top of the banner. After each pennant, I tied a knot for extra decoration. I added some buttons for extra detail on one banner, although decorative ribbon is just as cute.
For the Littlest Pet Shop, the fabric I found wasn't exactly symmetrical enough to fit the pennant shape, so I just cut out the individual images and attached them to some other fabric.
So fun and so festive! I love it!